If you have been working in the digital marketing arena for any length of time you will be well aware of the importance of content marketing. Our audiences are hungry for content and like any staple diet, variety is the spice of life, no one wants to be eating the same thing every single day. There are various ways to offer different content to our users from blog posts, podcasts, infographics, illustrations, videos but also interactive content. One form of interactive content to entertain your audience is to create free online quizzes.
Playbuzz helps you create free online quizzes
You may notice from time to time on Facebook one of your ‘friends’ has just taken a rather random quiz about what fantasy character they are or what country they are most suited to living in. Bored, tempted and quite curious you click the quiz to also waste a few minutes of your life. These quizzes are another way of generating some traffic and interest to your website and are completely free to create via Playbuzz.
On Playbuzz you can create quizzes, polls, lists, personality quizzes, trivia and ranked lists. It is very simple to create a quiz simply log in and then click Create at the top of the website and select the type of interactive content you want to develop for your audience.
You will need some images but you can get some royalty-free ones online if you just google it which will save you a lot of time in creating this content.
Is playbuzz the right tool for content marketing in all industries?
The argument arises is this quiz generator appropriate for all industries or do you have to be selective about who should use it and who to generate a quiz for? The style and layout of the quizzes tend to be more personal and have a feeling of fun about them which may not be appropriate for all industries. Another option for the more professional target market could be the use of a program such as surverymonkey.com a free survey creating tool ( available with extra features at a premium).
Create free online quizzes conclusion
Possibly, it depends on your target market and what you are trying to achieve. Having quizzes that you can create for free are just another option for you in your quest for selecting the best content marketing tool possible. Simply try spicing your website content up a bit by diversifying your content. Don’t just blog try and be a little more innovative to keep your visitors coming back hungry for more! Please comment below and show me some of the quizzes you have created.