Before you create a Facebook page

So you have a website, you have your business cards and the next step you want to do is create a Facebook page. Over the next few blog posts I plan to divulge my knowledge and guide you into setting up your very own Facebook page.

Look before you leap

Before you jump in with excitement creating your first business Facebook page it is quite important to do some research. Start by going to to start your investigation, once the url has arrived at its destination click pages to filter your search to include only pages in your results.

Enter the direct competitor or a keyword relating to your industry.

If you cannot find the competitor you are looking for then go directly to their website, they are more than likely to have a link to their facebook page on their website.

I’m on my competitors what?

What are you looking for? Well obviously you are being your very own 007 and doing some detective work to see what is working and what is not. Use the list below to help in your study.

  • How often are they posting? What times are they posting?
  • What are they posting? What is getting the most interactions? A picture? A video? A question? What is working? What isn’t?
  • How many people post directly on the page? How many people respond to a post?
  • Take note of the new people “are talking about this” number that tracks these metrics over a 7- day period
  • What are people liking, commenting or sharing
  • Does the page have a welcome tab or any other custom tabs? How does the welcome tab showcase the business?

Also, its not just about success, its about learning from others mistakes…what isn’t working so successfully?

In the next blog post I will discussing the best practice to use in Facebook