Category: usability

A Review of the Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF)

During the many British lockdowns due to COVID, I knew I wanted to improve my design skillset. I had acquired over ten years of web and branding design experience but this wasn’t enough. I knew I could improve how I approached my work further by learning UX. As someone who has an interest in ‘why people do things’ and psychology; UX felt like a natural progression. I wanted to upskill myself to add that extra UX string to my bow and build better websites. I began my journey into UX by looking at various courses that I could find across the web. That is when I came across The Interaction Design Foundation. A platform that appeared to have many benefits to someone new to UX or wanting to transition. In this article, I will review my experience of the IxDF.

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The importance of sketching & wireframing

It’s great, you have a vision in your mind of how you would like your website to look, maybe you’ve got a mood board and some examples of other people’s websites and a list of pages you need to create in order to develop the perfect website but have you considered just how important it is to sketch out and mock up a layout for your masterpiece? In this blog post, we discuss the importance of sketching and wireframing.

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Desinion get others opinions about your design

When creating design elements everyone, no matter who we are has their own opinion of what works and what doesn’t, what is beautiful and what is ugly. Visual cues and hierarchy feel different for different people but you will find that the majority of people will be biased to one way of thinking or another. When you are just working between yourself and a client it can be difficult to reach agreements on what is beautiful and thus you need a third party to help make final decisions, that is where Desinion comes in.
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Testing a website before it goes live

If you regularly visit my website or blog you will have noticed that I have made some changes ( and one reason why I haven’t blogged as much as I used to over the last two months). Before I allowed myself to take my local site to the live server I had to do some basic testing and every website should go through this same process to ensure as few problems occur so your users can enjoy your experience to its fullest and also make sure your business looks professional. In this blog post, I will discuss 5 areas that must be tested before you allow yourself to let the website into the public domain.

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How to get involved in Usability Testing

This is a really quick blog post, it’s been far too long since I posted last and I am sure you are hungry for some more content. Recently, I have been conducting a redevelopment of and to help us design a better website for our users we asked users to test what they liked and disliked about one of the most successful data centre companies in the UK. It was quite interesting watching the videos back and listening to what they had to say, the people are very frank and straightforward and make it clear what is well designed and what could be done better. In this post, we share how you can get involved in usability testing as someone testing websites.

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