Author: John

John Wilson is the founder of The Change Creative and has over ten years working in London and Liverpool for various design agencies and in-house for law and data centre firms.

What is a favicon?

When you bookmark a page on a website it is added to a selection of other favourite websites in your bookmark window. Some have icons and others don’t. Why is this? They have a favicon in their root directory.


What is a favicon?

A favicon is just that a “fav” icon so when a visitor bookmarks your website it has a recognizable branded icon next to the website link. This may seem like a pretty pointless part of your website but you would be wrong.

Recommended design method

If your company logo has been designed well then it will pretty easy to simply it into a favicon. Just look at the special features of the log, in the above example the O in Solv is considered to be the prominent feature of the corporate identity, MigSolv copyright 2013) so it taken into photoshop and seperated from the rest of the logo.

Why it is important

A favicon helps your user to identify your website quickly & easily and if your company doesn’t have one it looks like one of two things. A) You don’t finish your website which might also represent your company’s image that you don’t finish things & B) You don’t understand technology trends properly.

Recommended favicon size

The size of the favicon is usually 32px x 32px.

How to create in photoshop

You have two options, either use the logo you have now, go to edit > …image size and change the pixel size to 32 x 32.

Save with .ico

Once you are happy with your icon make sure to save it as a filename.ico. This isn’t a drop down file type so you will have to manually enter the .ico at the end of the file name.

Upload to root folder

Lastly upload your completed favicon to your websites root folder and web browsers should then pick up that you have one. Your mission is complete! Good job soldier.


Alternative Free favicon generator

If you are not an owner of photoshop ( or GIMP ) or just not confident enough in the program then you can use this free favicon generator which does the job for you.


Designing a favicon

If you would like a professional designed favicon for your website please feel free to contact me using the contact button and I will give you a very reasonable quote. Happy creating folk! 🙂

So you want to be a designer

I want to be a designer

Being a designer can be one of the most rewarding professions available to you (if your main talents are creative) but getting your first fully paid professional design job can be difficult particularly in this economy. It is a highly competitive market with thousands of new design graduates graduating every summer, opportunity to step into the creative industries is becoming more & more difficult. In this blog post I discuss what you will need to secure that dream vocation combined with my own search for a job in the creative industries.

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Most people find their passion when they are a child. Francis Xavier once said “give me a child untill he is 7 and I will give you the man” meaning that you will know what that child is likely to succeed well in by that age. What did you enjoy when you were just a toddler? Do you remember? I remember I used to draw,paint lots, design my own computer games, create my own paranormal magazine with membership & I was always on the computer! My passion was art, design & computing and it still is.

Go back to your childhood, find what it is you love and continue to develop that passion!

Skill Progression

designer, design, becoming a designer, skills

With time comes new technology, new technology means as a designer you must be willing to and wanting to learn about the latest trends, fashion & tools for creation. If you decide to stop learning and just happy to deal with the skills you have within 5 years you will be outmoded by the other designers that are constantly improving themselves. Don’t loose the race, keep practicing and keep learning.

One way to do this is use youtube for free photoshop tutorials, stumbleupon for the latest news in your industry, websites like for free tutorials or do a google search for the thing it is you are wanting to learn. The internet is a haven for everything you have EVER wanted to know if you search hard enough.


Again if you are serious about becoming a designer buy a domain name, hosting plan & start making content for the web. Also sign up to creative social media such as creativpool , behance, dribble, deviantart & flickr. Getting your work out to the masses is important…

Time Management

What do you do with your time? Do you spend more time watching tv than progressing your skills? Do you go out drinking three days out of seven? Could that time be used better? Everyone has a choice how they use their time but if you are serious about becoming a top designer , or a top anything in the industry you have chosen to enter you will have to reassess your time usage and see if you can use it in other ways. With the job market so competitive drinking with friends will keep good friends but they wont necessarily help you with job opportunities unless you are fortunate enough to have friends that are in the same industry as you.

Do another job but keep practicing

cocktail, part-time job, earn whilst you grow

Its okay if you are doing something totally irrelevant to your dream vocation of a design job, we all need to live.

My first job I was 18 in 2001 & i was working as a sales assistant in Burton Menswear, then I did bar work as a cocktail barman, I then tried plumbing, labouring, painting and decorating for years whilst practicing to become an architect, RNID Typetalk Operator ( so deaf people can use phones), a photo lab technician & eventually…when i was 28 in mar 2012 I finally landed my first creative job I had seeked since 2008…but it wasn’t in my hometown.

To make sure you don’t loose your passion that you had as a child, be focused & allocate time to your hobby when you are free so advancing your skills and knowledge base will continue to increase. One day you will have the portfolio to show to potential employees.

Do a degree or don’t do a degree?

This is something that many designers wonder. The benefits to degrees are you are learning from highly experienced designers with a lot of knowledge, you are learning how to research properly, you are showing potential employees your ability to commit to something with some intellect and you will have an aim such as design briefs to where you are designing to keep you motivated.

If degrees are good value for money is still in question. I think if you are really talented, with a strong portfolio and you have confidence ( not arrogance) you don’t need a degree.

Create things for friends and family

Be warned, although this seems like a good idea it can be frustrating, very frustrating and the only benefit to you is that you will increase your portfolio..thats not going to put food on the table.

I would recommend you advertise yourself on or and at least get a small fee for your time whilst you build your portfolio up as friends are unlikely to pay you..or at least not what you would expect to receive for your skill and time.

Hit a brick wall, hit it back..or alternatively ..go around it

I graduated from Architecture in June 2008 when architecture and banking had taken a huge hit due to consumer confidence around the world. Such an effect that there was a 3000% reduction in part 1 positions ( the first stage to learning the practice of architecture ). This was very hard hitting and devastating especially when you put a lot of money and time into progressing your career and educational cv.

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, yes you feel low and like you are being wasted but push yourself on, im sure there is another avenue for you. I tried teaching but that was not for me, i never wanted to work for government and it is just isn’t rewarding especially when you have pursued a career as a creative for so long before. The good thing about that course is that it opened up my eyes to IT as a creative avenue. Two paths were wrong for me but both gave me skills and experience to becoming a branding/graphics/web designer today.

Take it on the chin

Naturally, most creatives are very in touch with their emotions, that is what makes great artists great but learning to control your emotions when dealing with others opinions is important because not everyone will be a fan of your work so you need to get used to criticism. Criticism isn’t bad, it is how we designer’s make things better just as long as it doesn’t become personal then it can only make you a stronger professional.

Hardest truth for anyone pursuing a career dream

sunset, sunrise, adventure, move on, time to move way

How important is success to you compared to being close to friends, family and your home town?

The truth is your perfect job opportunity may not be where you have lived all your life and gained friends, life experience & comfort and for me…it wasn’t.

It was only after my most severe breakdown that I realized that I HAD TO leave my hometown as there was no opportunity and i was prepared to go ANYWHERE in the world ( I even began learning spanish & traveled to South America alone to work out if it was the place for me). You too need to adapt that attitude if you are serious about following your dream vocation, get you suitcase, pack your easel, paintbrushes & pens & get travelling! Remember, travel broadens the mind and being creative, that can’t be bad!

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Any other suggestions to how to become a designer please comment below


10 tips to trusting a designer?

Hiring a designer to develop a website, logo or something else that requires creativity can be a daunting task. This isn’t childsplay, this is your business and you are giving the designer you hire a lot of responsibility & trust in adding value to your company you have spent a long time developing. Trusting a designer can be hard, like any time you first meet someone, you tend not trust them straight away, trust takes time to build.

In this post I give 10 tips to help you build strong relationships with your designer and in turn, build mutual trust.


Good design takes time


Mona Lisa was not painted in a week and Rome certainly was not built in a day and the creative process hasn’t really changed in those several hundred years passed. A designer needs time to create something truly special, for instance, a simple image for a blog can take anything from 15 minutes to an hour depending upon several factors : –

Creative block or creative flow – ideas don’t always flow, it isn’t like other work where you have the facts and it is just about putting the problems together to create a solution, thinking creatively can flow easily but it can also be hard.

A good image will need to be developed from either several sources or a drawing done by the designer you are hiring, both require time. Time to find the perfect images or time to draw the perfect image in illustrator.

Drawing,Photshop, illustrator, indesign, printing. Whatever the process for creating the design it will take time and you must understand that most good designers do not use stock imagery or will at least manipulate the stock images.

Look at their portfolio


Now looking at a designer’s online portfolio is all well and good but can you trust that their work is 100% their own or is it sourced from several locations pretending to be their own work? I have seen design tweeters reporting their work has been stolen by others pretending it is their own! Very naughty.

Back up what you say

Ideally you will want some testimonials but even these can come into question whether they are genuine or not. Give someone five dollars and they can record a video testimonial on This is wrong to do as it is giving a false image of your company and you are manipulating your potential customers.

Meet Face to Face

Now this may proof difficult if you are in the USA and your designer is in the Europe but technology has moved on and Skype can allow for face to face conversations to anyone , anywhere in the world!

Use your intuition and see whether you blend well with the designer you are thinking of hiring. A good relationship, as well as working relationship is important as the designer will want to do a good a job as possible for you if you have mutual beliefs and design principles.

What can they do for you?

Can they offer you several items of design rather than just one? Logos, business cards, website & corporate documentation? That could save you some money upfront and also increase the designer’s focus on your business rather than sharing it amongst other design projects they have on at that time.

Are their services cheap? Ask yourself why


You get what you pay for is true!

When a designer does something for free or very little compensation their heart just isn’t in it. What is the benefit to them other than some extra work in their portfolio? A design contract has to benefit you both so if you are expecting a bespoke website, with unique images, incredible layouts and interactivity then expect to pay for it otherwise you will find you relationship will not be as strong as you would like.

Agree requirements upfront

With any creative project it is never 100% complete and more and more features can be added, particularly with web designs. Agree up front what you need the designer to do for you and in what kind of time frame you expect them to turn it around, it may be that your requirements are not possible for that particular design agency or it may be that they can do it more quickly, either way, make sure you both understand what is needed.

Sign a contract

Contracts scare people! You feel like you are selling your soul to the devil but the truth is that it is a golden shield to protect you against getting less than what was agreed in your initial meeting. Your designer will have to abide by the law that was laid down in the contract so ensure you have a contract drawn up, it is in the best interests of both of you

Give space but keep tabs

For a designer to be able to focus they need some space.

They understand you are anxious for the design work to progress quickly but the best designers will want to make sure they are doing the best job possible to a high standard and that takes time.

Although it takes time just keep a small eye on what they are doing, you don’t want them to put your work to the back of their to do list when their client list builds, make sure they are doing the work required but keep things friendly and amicable otherwise you’ll have a frustrated and probably angry designer. Believe me, you won’t like them when they’re angry!

Are they compassionate?


This may seem like quite an odd thing to ask but with compassion also comes empathy and with empathy comes an understanding of how important what they are doing for you is and not just creating a wage for themselves. You can discover whether the person you are dealing with has compassion by looking at their Linkedin profile, discovering their likes and interests or maybe they publicly talk about charities and causes they support on their website/blog.


Whenever you meet someone for the firs time you can usually judge whether the person is trustworthy & if they have a good work ethic and whether you can develop a good working relationship with them. Their personality should come across when you spend a coffee hour with them discussing your needs & wants. A few questions you might want to ask yourself when having a informal conversation with the person you a considering hiring are : –

Is the designer approachable? Open to ideas? Can they listen to constructive criticism? Open in conversation & friendly?


Now you have a basic defence to ensuring that you do not get sub standard design work or get shafted from a designer that you choose to work with. If you have any other ideas of how to develop good working relationships with designers please feel free to comment below, your views are welcome.

5 tips for creating great Website Menus

I have been asked to redevelop a website as it is not being as effective at creating leads or conversions to the level that they would like. In this post I discuss 5 points of research on how to create great website menu bars.

1. Less me and more you

love yourself, love for self, best way to live

In life no one likes someone who talks about themselves, everyone is more interested in their own life. In their achievements & in their problems and drawing your visitors attention should start by thinking what your customers want from your site? The old rule when websites where first made was to always put Home at the start so its easy to locate & then the About Link..this has changed. I would now recommend putting the About section near the end of the menu as people are less interested in you and your background and more interested in what you can do for them!

2. NO Services Tab

What is the point in a services tab? Saying you have services is all very good but it isn’t specific enough, how is anyone going to know what you can provide them without visit that specific page? It isn’t just to be more specific but you must also reenforce your marketing message to the visitor. BE creative with your choice of words not just your images.

3. Contact

contact, contact details

The contact feature may be considered to be one of the most important feature of any website so making sure it is clear and easily accessible at all times. Why not even have a button that is always on screen to ask for an instant quote for your product? One step further, if you have the team available have a live chat feature to give your potential leads more options for making an enquiry.

Look at my website for a simple example. My contact page is always available ( top right corner) to you no matter where you are on the site.

4. Lets be Social

Being social is very important in the modern world. Being an active participant on social media sites shows you are a company that stays in touch with the latest technology, value your customers current opinions and keep abreast of what is happening amongst your industry. I usually keep the social media icons in the footer of a website but ocassionlly in a sidebar. Some websites include it in their menu for easy access. Any of these three options are fine.

5. Blog all about it

So you have a home page, about page, “something” other than services tab & a contact tab but do you blog? What is a blog? Well you are reading a blog right now! Why blog? Well for three main reasons : –

  • SEO – improves your search engine ranking
  • Expertise – shows you know what you are talking about
  • Socialise – it gives you something to tweet about regularly and create conversation
  • Build a fan base – those who are interested in what you are will begin to communicate with you
  • Create leads and opportunity – blogging sometimes leads to being offered to guest blog on other websites as well as opportunities for contracts, job offers & networking.

feedburner, rss

Don’t forget to create an RSS Feed for your regular fans ( wordpress creates this automatically as it was developed for blogging purposes just use or alternatively set up a feedburner account so you can see exactly how many fans you currently have subscribed to your account! ).

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Have you got some more ideas about what works well on website menus? Please share this post with your social circle using the buttons below and discuss the article in the comment box below.

What social media is best for me? Part 2

What social media is best for me? Choosing the right social media platform for your needs & business mission can be quite tricky as more and more social websites start to saturate the market. Depending upon your product and goals different social media platforms will better fit your needs to use than others. Below is a infographic I discovered when on pinterest. I think this helps in making it clearer what kind of value your business will likely gain ( if used correctly ) from each platform.

Twitter Talk

Hash tag this, hash tag that, at this, at that!… At what? Twitter talk can all get a bit confusing to try and decifier what people are saying with all these little twitter codes and what they are used for so I have decided to try and help you understand what it is all about.

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Talking @ you

@ symbol is what you will find at the front of every Twitter ID and by typing this into your message you will be able to communicate directly with other twitter users in the public feed. There are two different ways you can use the @ symbol. Here they are : –

@ – used to reply or send a message to someone publicly, but will only be public in search and if the two users have shared followers. These also notify the user in their interactions section or a mobile alert if set.
.@ – completely public reply, but also tags a user. (Some brands or people use this method for a conversation to become public and invite others to join or see it more easily.

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Hash Tags

The hash tag, for those who don’t know is the symbol #. It used before a relevant keyword or phrase (no spaces) in your Tweet to categorize your Tweet and help you get found in twitter search easier. it can be quite useful to use this in a search for people who are talking about things that are intersted in the same things as you such as for me i would type #design and you may notice if you visit my twitter account ( find it in the sidebard here ) that I also have hashtags in my description to help people find me and my specialities.

To learn more about hash tags or how you can use them more effectively please read this blog post “How to use the twitter hash tags in 3 easy steps” i posted earlier

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Some abbreviations

Just like in text talk there are different little abbreviations that are commonly used in Twitter because 140 characters aren’t really very much to get your message out to your following…

Follow Fridays

FF is used on a Friday and is to suggest other people to follow to your followers. You should have built a niche market in the people you follow and that follow you so suggesting people to follow will boost relations with those you suggest building a stronger twitter link with them. Obvioiusly suggesting the less well known twitter users will be more effective than suggesting someone like Justin Bieber, suggest those who really need and add value to your twitter feed. Its all about giving your followers a little bit of respect and also a little TY.

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Here are the other common ones : –

MT – Modified Tweet

TT – Truncated Tweet

RT – Retweet

DM – If you want to send someone a direct message, they must be following you. Similar, if you want them be able to DM you, you must follow them as well.

BTW – By The Way.

YW – You’re Welcome.

IMHO – In My Honest Opinion.

YT – You There?

FML – F#*@ My Life.
GTFO – Get The F@*# Out.
NSFW – Not Safe For Work.
NSFL – Not Safe For Life.

And the most important abbreviationas manners cost nothing!

TY – Thank You.

Pacman goes epic!!!

Who loves retro gaming!? Who always dreamed of making their own computer game? Well now is your chance to get involved in one of the largest collobrative gaming projects you may have ever seen! Bigger than Final Fantasy 7! Bigger than Guild Wars! Even bigger than World of Warcraft! Pacman goes epic!

Pacman History

When Pac-Man was released it was one of the most popular arcade video games were space shooters, in particular Space Invaders and Asteroids.

Pac-Man  is among the most famous arcade games of all time and not only this but It is one of the highest-grossing video games of all time generating more than $2.5 billion in quarters by the 1990s. That is a hell of a lot of dollar for back in the 80s! Beats farmville hands down ay!

Pacman cartoon

This cartoon is seriously old (1980s) so when you watch it you may also be a bit hypnotized at its poor story line just like I was but we all like a bit of nostalgia now and again…don’t we?

Ms Pacman

miss pacman
Was released a year after Pacman the original with advancments such as filling in the walls so you could see the location of the paths easier, 4 warp tunnels, fruit appears randomly and of course pacman had a wee little bow on his/her head! It was the most succesful US produced arcade sold selling over 115,000 cabinets.

Remi Gaillard as pacman

Remi Gaillard is a very funny guy, here he re-enacts pacman in a realworld environment. Maybe I have michevious nature so thats why i find it funny. Please note : no ghosts were hurt in the making of this video!

JAWilson Design Does Pacman

custom pacman jawilson

I couldn’t resist, i had to have a go at making a pacman level and to be honest it isn’t as easy as it may look! Making a level easy enough to complete but difficult to be challenging isn’t an easy task. Can you complete my level because i certianly had trouble trying to do so! Why not complete a level and post the url in the comment box love to see what you come up with!

Game Maker

Got a taste for making games? Just can’t get enough and want to get your ideas out there into the real world but don’t know where to start? Why not take a look at my freebies section, there you will find a link to games maker program that allows you to create games ( with the ability to make the android compatible ). Don’t wait around before someone else creates you idea and puts it into the market , do it first!

New shop now open buy art prints & more!

For a while , I have been thinking about creating a shop where you can buy art prints of my paintings, photography & sketches as I have quite a few but they are hidden away in my own collection not seeing the light of day. I didn’t really know how to go about this but I knew there must be some website out there that will offer the ability to create and sell prints to the public.

DeviantArt Print Shop

DeviantArt is a social media platform for visual creatives to display their work & connect with people who like the same things as them. Not only this but they also provide a service for you to be able to sell your works! Fantastic place to start for any new young artist! Whether I will make any sales or not is yet to be seen but it does give a platform in order to do this fairly easily.

Prints Available

Below is the art works that are available for sale in various formats from mugs, coasters, small prints, canvases & photos.

[button color=”dark” url=”” target=”_blank”]Vist JAWilsonDesign Shop[/button]

Soul Tree Enlightenment

artwork by jawilsondesign

Life Drawing

woman drawing

Norwich Cathedral

Norwich cathedralLife Drawing

Life charcoal and chalk drawing

Life Drawing

 Life drawing by JAWilsonDesign

Life Drawing

life drawing

Life Drawing

Life Drawing

Norwich Cathedral

Inside Norwich Cathedral, image by JAWilsonDesign

Norwich Cathedral

norwich cathedral by JAWilsonDesign

More art work will be updated weekly to the shop so please check it our regularly or follow me on twitter to be notified of new works for sale.


Should I use Instagram?

I think with the recent publicity of Instagram’s new policy on who owns the copyright of the images you upload has started making many people wonder.. “should I use Instagram or not”?, particularly if you are uploading all your professional creative works to the social media platform, but I believe that Instagram does have its place in any designer’s app arsenal. It can actually be a really useful and beneficial tool to all creatives and here is why I think so.

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Raising Awareness

The benefit to any budding photographer, artist or graphic designer is obvious. It can show to others what you are capable of and also how you see the world. Creatives see the world in a slightly different way than a “normal” person, a lot of things have metaphors, they see composition in things that others wouldn’t batter an eyelid at and Instagram allows others to see into the world of our creative minds..i think that is a very powerful tool for all creatives, it definitely inspires us to create.

For fun

For me, being creative is a hell of a lot of fun and is on par with video games and high adrenaline sports. Just taking random photos of things you experience and things you see can be great to share with the world.

Inspiration catalogue

As a professional designer I am constantly thinking of how things can be designed, improved or made exciting and sometimes when you walk past somewhere something sparks inside you. Instagram can be a place to store all the things that inspire you and hash tagging each image will also make it easier to find. You may argue Facebook offers the same option but I believe using Instagram for this purpose is a much better app than Facebook for storing inspiration & ideas from general life.

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Don’t be daft

Don’t put images on Instagram that you have spent weeks creating, I don’t believe Instagram was made for that. Unless you are happy for others to lift your hard work and use it as their own or alternatively if you have already received payment for your creation then that is fine, it could even help you build a larger fan base.

Improving design composition

If you set your camera to have grid lines what you can do is really play with composition ( I will discuss this in the near future when I discuss the basics of photography ), this is useful for photography but can also be applied to other areas such as graphic design, web site design & painting. You will notice you really pay attention to how you layout your composition whenever you work and how important it is in creating excellent design.

Increase creativity

It also has the knock on effect of becoming more creative as you are constantly thinking how you might be able to catch the perfect image and seeing everything as a work of art rather than just passing your time through space and time. I highly recommend using it as much as possible to increase your imaginations power.

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Benefits outway the negatives

If you are concerned about copyright and who is using your images then don’t use instagram, if on the other hand you are happy for others to see life through your eyes and you want to improve your creative skills then instagram is probably one of the best apps out there right now. The world is a beautiful place, we should record it, share it and spread the positive things we experience, lets change our perceptions of reality together



What is Tumblr and who should use it?

What is Tumblr? Tumblr is a microblogging platform and social networking website. The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. Users can follow other users’ blogs, as well as make their blogs private.

Problem with Tumblr

Tumbler, like Instagram & Facebook has also received criticism for the ability of bloggers to violate copyright. Tumblr’s visual appeal has made it a haven for photoblogs, which often times include copyrighted work from others and publishing them without payment. Tumblr users are able to post content that isn’t their own by re-blogging. Re-blogging involves presseing a buttong that allows users to re-post content that they found on a blog which they subscribe to, onto their own blog.

golem from lord of the rings


Just like WordPress Tumblr allows users to add widgets that allow to add things that make their website that little bit unique such as twitter feeds, livestream apps or music players that being playing music when other users view their blog.

Combining Twitter with WordPress

That is how I would describe Tumblr really..a blogging platform with social media principles. If you are user of Twitter you will know that to get people to follow you you are best finding people that have the same interests as you & then they are likely to follow you back too and increase your fan base getting your content more noticed. How do you find people to follow? There is a “explore” button on the dashboard where you will find lots of interesting topics that people tag their blog post in.

combine blog with tweets

Tag, your it!

What is tagging I hear you say? Every time you post something i recommend putting some keywords in the tagging box.  Basically what this does is act like a keyword so that it makes your content easier to find. Say someone is looking for flowers and your blog post is a picture of one then one tag you would use is obviously “flower” and you may get discovered by that searcher.

 Oi ! I posted that!

Get used to feeling like this! People will repost your things if they like it, thats the whole point of tumblr, its blogging but with a difference. It gets shared easily and quickly and you may often find things you have created in other peoples blogs. If you do this correcty it can create a larger following on your own blog and if you have a website, it could even direct people to your site too! More traffic? Now that can’t be bad can it!

 RSS me baby!!

not much time to create stuff for your blog? No problem! Other people can put things on your blog through rss feeds, you can simply set up different rss feeds to appear on your blog in the preferences setting.

To tweet or not to tweet, that is the question!

Every time you blog on your Tumblr account you can choose whether to immediately share it on twitter & facebook but if  you blog a lot on tumblr it could annoy your twitter followers..i know if i see over 10 posts in one go on twitter it can make me quite irritated especially if i am not interested in the first tweet they put ( sorry to sound moody, but its true for most users! 🙂 )

 Wow big blog! Its just like a book

When you have a lot of pages then you can even get it published into a book! Now that is pretty cool isn’t it!

Is it for me?

The thing about Tumblr is it is a combination of WordPress ( a mainstream open source blogging CMS platform for those who know a little bit of code ) and Twitter, combining people who are interested in the same things as you…but the good thing is it is so very very simple. It is ideal for those who have lots of photos to share and are inspired by quotes and such like. If you aren’t ready for hardcore blogging like what I am doing here Tumblr is for those taking the step up from twitter & facebook amongst friends to start gaining a larger voice in their world community. [divider style=”1″]

How do I use it?


I use it to post my works and become inspired by others works and show appreciation to others and promote the work of those I admire and useful things I find along the way…I think they key to a good internet is a true bohemian heart, free love, free information & free creativity. Yes we all need to make a living but if you truly want to make an impact in the world and offer something of value to people then free is the best place to start…when you have a big enough following then you can consider selling some of your things to your close nit fans. I hope this blog post has helped you in undrestanding tumblr a bit more…if you are still unsure how tumblr works you can visit my site here : – or alternatively just set up your own tumblr account ( it even comes with an app for easy uploads! ). Happy blogging! 🙂