Who are they?
Seek A Therapy is primarily a free visual and interactive therapist directory created by The Change Creative with therapists connecting from around the globe including UK, USA, Canada, Europe, India & Africa. Currently, with over 1200 therapists we also provide affordable web and graphic design services.
Seek A Therapy is a conception developed and managed by us, The Change Creative, since 2017. We recognized we could try to and help one of the biggest problems facing the modern world with our many years of design experience and personal crisis back in 2008 – 2012.
With a passion for understanding the mind, emotions, and desire for a long time to help others combined with technical and creative know-how, it was a way of giving back. There are three fundamental aims to Seek A Therapy, read on to find out what they are.
To provide therapists and people seeking improvement of their wellbeing we came up with several ideas and concepts to help make change happen.
These include: –
- Build an online platform that allows therapists to register their services, events, and share their knowledge whilst being found by local people and those seeking online therapy as well.
- To share lived experiences and strategies of overcoming common mental health challenges from direct experience.
- To allow therapists to share their knowledge with others and promote their services.
- To create a design agency to allow therapists that register their services to purchase a website from as little as £15 per month or improve their branding for affordable prices.
- To educate therapists in digital marketing to help them improve their capability of being found online.
- To provide a wellbeing e-commerce store allowing therapists to sell their wares online, also sharing amazon affiliate products that can help people improve their wellbeing through self-help strategies.
- Providing motivation and guided information on ways to improve our own mental health on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Branding Of Seek A Therapy
Having a functional website that helps you find therapy quickly and easily was important but having a brand that is modern and instantly recognisable was just as important. I wanted it to communicate that there are many ways to improve the wellbeing of the mind and also reflect a positive forward-thinking look towards therapy and healing. At Seek A Therapy it puts holistic therapy on par with traditional therapy like counselling allowing people to explore new ways of healing they may not have considered before like hypnotherapy, reiki and massage amongst many more.
The brain logo has different elements of its hemisphere coloured to represent different types of therapy and also different causes of why we become stressed, depressed or anxious coming together to heal the overall brain. The colourful nature of the logo also helps to convey a sense of optimism and hope that will be to help others feel it is possible to recover from anything they may be going through.
The bright turquoise colour used on the business card and as the primary brand colour enhances this sense of positivity further and is known to be a colour of healing. This I believe is really communicated well on the business card. The reverse of the business card is white which allows someone to write on the card should they so choose. The brain has UV gloss on it to enhance the impact this important element has on the overall feel of the brand.