Tag: year 2

Architectural Model 2005 | My favourite design

From 2004 to 2008 I was a part 1 Architect student and part of the course was to create scale models of the designs I was creating. This was a radical bookshop on a bridge design that got my highest marks and was also my favourite design that I created in the 2nd year of the course.

Architectural Model and the idea behind it

The idea is that because the bookshop sold alternative books and a different way of thinking about things then the bookshop should also reflect that in its geometry by not following the forms of that surrounding it. In terms of material the external part of the building would be clad in wood and the internal walls would be metal, again juxtaposing what is expected to be found in a building.

The bridge itself would re-use some materials that the original bridge was replacing and allowing visitors to graffiti on the bridge just like what it used to have.

The bridge is a place for those with alternative way of thinking to reside and meet, discuss and philosophise. If only a place would exist rather than  creating shopping mall after shopping mall, office block after office block.

Site visit before creating and designing the Architectural Model

In the images below you will see the shop that I designed the bridge shop for and a few images of the original bridge and the new location for the shop to reside. 

I hope you enjoy viewing the site and the architectural model, I promise to be blogging about graphics, web and marketing in my next blog post.

news from nowhere shop

bridge creambuilding

architectural model by JAWilsonDesign

architectural model by JAWilsonDesign

architectural model

architectural model by JAWilsonDesign

architectural model by JAWilsonDesign

architectural model by JAWilsonDesign

architectural model by JAWilsonDesign

architectural model front view