Tag: humans are kind

I want to change my life for the better

Sometimes we can get really down in life when we focus on the economic gloom, read & watch the negative news about the few very mentally disturbed people doing terrible things to other human beings, the dwindling amount of work in the ever increasing competitive markets and personal difficulties that life can throw at us, we can easily become depressed and feel the world is becoming worse rather than better. You want to escape from it anyway you can…believe me…i’ve been there! If you are thinking like this then you are likely thinking “i want to change my life for the better”.


The truth is what we focus on we become. What we give out we get back.

It is never too late to change your life from a negative to a positive, it is simply a matter of choice.

If we think with our hearts and realize everyone is striving to be happy we can all help one another make this world a great place to live once again for everyone not just ourselves. Creating happiness in others is the greatest wealth anyone can have. I guess that is why they say..money won’t make you happy.

I am going to try my best to follow the message of the video as much as I can , be positive and spread positive vibes. Its never too late to change your attitude  : –