Tag: html5

What is Exactly HTML5 & CSS3

If you ask any web designer then they will tell you that they are currently programming websites while keeping HTML5 and CSS3 in mind. It really is the way to go in this day and age. Just what are they though? Let’s take a closer look, shall we?

Now, every single website is constructed from HTML and CSS code. There may be a few more programming technologies behind the site (PHP for example), but it is only HTML and CSS which has the capability of displaying information in your browser. JavaScript can do this to an extent, but it will still need to be used in conjunction with one of the other technologies.

HTML is the technology behind the layout of the page. CSS is the technology behind the aesthetics. There is a degree of overlap which you will see if you learn the languages. However, if you are employing a Phoenix Web Designer to carry out the programming for you, you will not need to know about this in too much depth.

Now, just like any programming language, HTML and CSS are regularly updated. New pieces are added into the code to make it far easier for them to create certain features. HTML5 is the 5th incarnation and CSS3 is the third incarnation. The idea is that these are the new standard. If you want your website to display properly in modern browsers then you will need to use both of these technologies.

HTML5 and CSS3 are modern standards. They have been designed in such a way to be much cleaner code. This ensures that sites that utilize them are very fast to load. Some of the features found in these new technologies, HTML5 especially, replaces items on websites where you would normally need a special plugin to display them. Take Flash for example. With HTML5 this has pretty much been ruled old technology. You can do everything that you want to do in flash with HTML5, and it does it much more effectively without the need to install any plugins.

Amongst the many features, both HTML5 and CSS3 have made it far easier to create websites that look fantastic on mobile devices. In fact, if coded well, you will have responsive design built in as standard to your site design. As mentioned before, HTML5 and CSS3 have ensured that old technologies with needed installation of plugins are now defunct. As a result, almost every website that follows HTML5 and CSS3 protocols should look fantastic on mobile devices. You are going to most likely need to wait until the mobile browsers are fully updated though.

As you can see, this is a very brief guide to HTML5 and CSS3. Sadly it would take up a whole book to go into depth on these. However, I do hope that the information here is more than enough to give you a nudge in the right direction and start to understand why your web developer is going to utilize them in your site design.

Author Bio: Kory Chesier is a professional blog writer, writes for HireaWiz a leading Phoenix web design specializing in custom web design, PHP development, Pay Per Click Marketing and SEO services.