Tag: rss feeds

Alternative to Google Feedburner RSS


Last year Google Feedburner lost their Japanese domain name and it seems Google is not going to be supporting this great tool for much longer…December 2014 to be precise ( as this seems to be when the domain name is registered till. ) You may have built up quite a subscription of followers on  your blog and you really don’t want to loose them but know you need an alternative within the next year…here are a few alternatives to Google Feedburner to feast your eyes on : –


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FeedBlitz is a service that monitors blogs, RSS feeds and Web URLs to provide greater reach for feed publishers. FeedBlitz takes all the headache out of converting feed and blog updates into email digests, delivered daily to subscribers’ inboxes. FeedBlitz manages subscriptions, circulation tracking, testing, and is compatible with all major blogging platforms and services such as Blogger, WordPress, FeedBurner, Joomla, Drupal and Typepad. Unlike other blogmail services, FeedBlitz is reliable, scalable and fully supported. No betas, wish lists or road map items here. You’re in production, and so is FeedBlitz.


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Includes lots of in-demand features, including branded RSS feeds, auto-Twitter update, RSS feed scheduling and subscriber statistics.  Also integrates nicely with podcasts. Price varies on the number of feeds you want to manage and the features you want.  Enterprise-level feed management is $13.95 per month


Screen Shot 2013-03-18 at 12.40.01Nourish is an RSS to email service and a reliable Feedburner alternativefor those sites whose visitors don’t really grasp (or don’t use) RSS much.  The free version lets you send up to 1,000 emails per month. Also includes customizable newsletter templates.


Google Feedburner alternativeFEEDCAT.NET is mainly dedicated to boosting feeds and also serves as a public catalogue of feeds (RSS and ATOM).


google feedburner
Feedity creates an RSS feed for any webpage and allows for social media monitoring, the aggregating of multiple feeds, and publishing of feeds on your website.

Has the fire gone out on feedburner?

I don’t think this is the end for google feedburner just yet, whether google totally abandon it and their many users or not is yet to be announced but at least you are prepared if something does happen. Fingers crossed they see how valuable a tool it is to the online community